meshmarketing is a one-day event about what’s next for marketers, advertisers, brands and communicators. Join us to connect, share and be inspired.


The Conversations

Influence & Influencers                       Community, Outreach

Joe Fernandez

Greg Hounslow
WestJet Airlines

Social Networking: Google+ & Facebook

Steve Rubel

Dave Kerpen
Likeable Media

Gaining Wisdom, Insight and Intelligence from Social Media Monitoring
Monitoring has become an integral part of the social media landscape. The challenge facing many companies is figuring out what the data means and what to do with it so they can make smart strategic and tactical decisions. This panel looks at pulling intelligence and insight from social media after it has been monitored and filtered.


Patrick Gladney
SMG Group

Scott Lake

Michael O’Connor Clarke
Media Profile

The Value and Role of Content Marketing
It seems like the old adage that ”Content is King” is alive and well as more companies recognize that providing existing and potential customers with a steady flow of content (blog posts, videos, whitepapers, case studies, podcasts, photos) is a great way to drive engagement, loyalty and stickiness.

Marcus Wilson

Marcus Sheridan
The Sales Lion

Mark Evans
ME Consulting & mesh co-founder

Life in a Post-Desktop World
In a world in which the PC is surely but slowly fading into the background, what does the emergence of mobile computing meant to marketers when it comes to reaching consumers and driving sales?


Benjie Levy
Score Mobile

Nina Sohi
Blu Trumpet

Andrew Osis

Stuart MacDonald
FreshBooks & mesh co-founder

Social Media in the Trenches
For all the talk about best practices and tools, the best advice about using social media comes from companies and people on the front lines who can provide real-world insight into how to leverage social media to drive awareness, customer service and sales.


Gail Gabrielle Ordogh
Real Sports

Sheldon Levine

Mathew Ingram
GigaOm & mesh co-founder

Data Here, There and Everywhere.
Analyzing and Leveraging Big Data How can you measure, analyze and leverage the growing mountain of data to make smarter strategic and tactical decisions? How do you determine the most relevant metrics, and what are the best approaches and tools to use?


Rod Smith

Joe Fernandez

Stuart MacDonald
FreshBooks & mesh co-founder

Luxury Brands and Digital Marketing
A growing number of luxury brands are using digital marketing and social media to reach and engage with consumers. How are their approaches, efforts and campaigns different than non-luxury brands? Is the use of digital marketing hurting or helping luxury brands?


Felicia Yukich
Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts

Joanna Track

Jason Lonsdale

Mark Evans
ME Consulting & mesh co-founder

Search Beyond the Little Square Box
With the growth of social media and the real-time Web, how is searching changing and where is it going? What’s the impact on search engine optimization and search engine marketing?


Kunal Das

Krista LaRiviere

Stuart MacDonald
FreshBooks & mesh co-founder

+ Great Networking Opportunities.

To see when these sessions are scheduled, please refer to the  full schedule.


A Taste of Last Year | meshmarketing10

Last year, mesh has 250+ attendees from PR, Advertising, Digital Marketing, entrepreneurs, non-profits, etc…


Thanks to Alexa Clark for her creativity...and for capturing great mesh moments!

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