Media Accreditation

Thanks for your interest in meshmarketing. Please send press information and interview
requests here

Accreditation Requirements

While it would be great to accommodate everyone, we’re limiting media accreditation to five
spots due to space restrictions.

In addition to applying for accreditation for the full event, media can apply to attend select
sessions and/or arrange onsite interviews by contacting info[at]

Applicants for media accreditation are asked to follow these guidelines:

  1. Submit a brief (50-words max.) bio, including the name of the company, blog or other
    outlet that carries your stories or posts.
  2. Outline the topics, people or ideas you are interested in covering or learning about at
  3. Your contact e-mail and phone number.

Key Dates

September 15, 2010: Accreditation opens for meshmarketing.
September 22, 2010: Deadline to submit request for media accreditation
September 30, 2010: Deadline for meshmarketing to confirm media accreditation and
notify those that have not been accredited

Terms and Conditions

  1. Media accreditation for meshmarketing will be decided based upon the following criteria:
    • Fit of publication to meshmarketing topics and speakers
    • Quality of applicant’s personal output and that of his/her media outlet
    • Audience reach of media outlet(s)
    • Proposed coverage plans that generate maximum exposure for mesh topics
  2. Accreditation will be determined at the discretion of the mesh organizing committee.
  3. At its own discretion, mesh reserves the right to allow limited, temporary access to members of the media during the event itself.
  4. If an applicant would like to guarantee access, all members of the media not accredited are welcome to purchase a ticket while they’re still available.